A Colourful Explosion - Top 10 Things: "What To Do When Bored In The Holidays"

Hello Everyone!  Do you know this scenario as well? You look forward to the day where you can sleep in until noon and spend as m...

Hello Everyone! 

Do you know this scenario as well? You look forward to the day where you can sleep in until noon and spend as much time in bed as possible, then have a little breakfast, meet friends, do fun things after a year of school? This is how I felt as my holidays started last week but reality hit pretty soon as always and I found myself having too much time on my hands that I had to plan full or manage by my own. I thought to myself I could not be the only one so I decided to write down the things I could do to not get bored or do when I am bored and nobody else is around

So here are my Top 10 things to do when I am bored: 
  1. Paint my nails in every colour 
  2. Dress up fancy
  3. Try to do my hair and make- up
  4. Take pictures
  5. Write a blog post about it
  6. Do a workout (I skated with my sister) 
  7. Make an iced tea and read a book outside
  8. Clean you room ( I enjoy doing so..) 
  9. Make lists (To do lists,grocery lists, wish lists, what's on my mind lists, .... so many lists)
  10. Learn something new or pic up a an old/ new hobby (baking and horseback riding for me)

And this is how I turned my day that seemed to be boring into a fun day. Now it's 6.30 and I am writing this. I will be going to read a little bit or write my lists but do some more chilling things like watching videos or movies.

I hope you liked the post! XXX C

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