
The Day Of Veggies

Hello Everyone!  I just felt like eat all of the veggies that I could find this week. Not on purpose but I find they were all I needed. T...

Hello Everyone! 

I just felt like eat all of the veggies that I could find this week. Not on purpose but I find they were all I needed. To get my source of carbs I had a big meal of them at the evening but see for yourself!


I had a whole pack of these. I don't know do you guys call them peas as well. I couldn't find a proper translation. But they are so crispy and crunchy that it is literally fun to eat them!


Call me boring but this is were my heart is at at the moment. Just give me my brussel sprouts and you have won me over. As last week, brussel sprouts are LIFE!


I had the most wonderful bowl of fresh cut up veg in the afternoon. A whole zucchini, tomatoes and a red pepper bell. Just wonderful and refreshing.


Definitely in need of carbs I went for a humongous bowl of noodles with vegan sausages and the new cheese I have found at my local super market. Very filling and awesome. Check out the "recipe" here.

I hope you liked it. What was your favorite meal of the week? 

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