
Mango Banana Smoothie

Hello Everyone! Here I am with another "new invented" smoothie recipe. I say that because I just improvised with what I had...

Hello Everyone!

Here I am with another "new invented" smoothie recipe. I say that because I just improvised with what I had. I was feeling like a smoothie this morning and had a frozen Mango and still some bananas left and some dates. Everything I need for a creamy smoothie. I am sure there are lots of Banana Mango smoothie recipes out there but well, lets add another one to the pool!

All you will need (like I said above) : 

1 Mango (unfrozen)
1 (preferably ripe) banana
a handful of dates
a little bit of water
and a smoothie maker of some sort


Just throw everything together in the mixer. I layered the ingredients that the dates would have been the last thing to be mixed. That makes it easier for the mixer as you already have a creamy consistency. 

This is my end product. I have to say that it is really a sweet sensation with the dates, bananas and mango all smoothly mixed together. Really lovely as well though. I feel like I am consuming a huge vitamin cocktail. It is really energizing and even though it is liquid very filling. 
the whole mixture makes about 500 ml and fills two of these jars (depending on the amount of water of course). So they lasted me well as a breakfast and left me satisfied.

I hope you liked it and tell me what is your favorite smoothie? 

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