#hair extensions
#naked smoky palette
#remi clip in hair extensions
#urban decay
#wish list
My September Wish List
Hello Everyone!
Once every month I go online and have a look everywhere of what I can get to spoil myself. I think it's very important to pay attention and just splurge a little on you instead of others. It boosts my mood and gives me a little bit more happiness in life, something to look forward to. Some might call it a shopping addiction, I call it treating myself.
Anyways, I am a very indecisive person when it comes to that. So what I do is to go "online- window shopping". Basically I put all the things I like in the basket or on a wish list. This whole process can take up to hours. But instead of directly buying it I close the page and try to distract myself with other things. A week or so later I'll check that basket again and see if I still like what is in there, delete the items I think I actually won't need or don't like. This I do every week until a month is over. By the end of the month I will have my wish list done and buy the "little" what is left in there.
So I thought it be a different and fun idea to actually share my wish list with you. So you can see what crazy thoughts go on in my head or to get an insight to my private life.
And here we go. This month (for September) I was not looking for clothes. I can categorize the list into Beauty, Books and Other things.
Lets start with
I am really into the Kardashians right now and I have grown to like everyone for their own personality. In the beginning I wasn't such a huge fan of Khloe but now I actually find her really inspiring. This is why I want to read her book. She is such a strong, open and funny person.
This is Lindsey Kelks new book and I have been following the writing process on Instagram so I am quiet interested and curious what the finish is like. She is a very romantic and girly writer and I actually enjoy those light and dreamy kind of books.
This is the same category as the book above except for that I liked the title very much. I read a book from Kinsella before and enjoyed the read for sure so I think this won't be a bad book to buy.
Other Things
This is a heating blanket. I need a new one as my old one broke last year and I always get really cold in the winters and now I now for sure it'll be even colder without one and no heater in the apartment. This will definitely be a winter must have for me! I buy them now as they are cheaper now of course, who buys a heating blanket in summer ;)
An instant camera in white! I wanted one for ages and now have come to the terms of actually purchasing it. I am going to take pictures of capable moments with my pets and friends and right after put them on my wall to decorate appropriately. I am so looking forward to it.
The new "naked smoky" palette. I have read wonderful things about it and I really like all the colours as they go with what I want for this aw15 season. It'll be quiet a big splurge but investing in high end products has never been a bad thing in my experience as they last so much longer and the end result is of top quality.

Now, I am going to the hairdressers. And I was thinking of cutting and dying my hair. My hair right now is in the growing longer and getting blonder process but in September I have decided to cut it short into the long bob like the picture on the left. I am also going to buy the Remi clip in hair extensions in #16 taffy (pic on the right) to be able to have long hair whenever I want to.
This is my wish list for September, I hope you enjoyed reading and I am so excited for the products to arrive!