#back to school
#school stuff
#school supplies
Stationary Haul - Back To School A- Levels
Hello Everyone!
On monday it's finally there. The day I have been waiting for, for 14 years in my life as a student. The first day of my last day in school EVER! It's going to be a year of lasts. Ever since I went to school I have been so curious what this is going to be like and I have to say it's seems to feel kind of amazing but also nerv dreading. It's going to be stressful as hell, exhausting and there will be a lot of discipline needed to survive this year properly.
So this time around, I bought my usual stationary stuff to actually be on top of organization and make it a good last year.
I must say in the last years I have not bought a lot of new things and I actually don't need much as I know what works for me and this is something you need to find out for yourself as well. You need to figure out what planner is the best for you and your needs, what pens you like, what folders are good for the go but also easy to look after. And those needs change from person to person.
Anyways, now to me and what is good for me. As a planner I am using my black filofax so I actually did not need to buy a new one. However, I bough a lot of stickers and tapes to make it look pretty, motivate me and make me actually want to look into it!
This are the ones that I bought. This year I will decorate it monthly under a motto. September will be fall, october is Halloween, November will be somewhat cat like because I love cats and december is Christmas of course.
Now this is a folder that I will be carrying with me during the days. I do not use folders in general. I kind of only collect topics of a subject and put this in the section in my big ass folder at home. When in school I only have the current topic we are at with me. This way it's organized in the different subjects as well as all the topic of each subject are in order and together. No papers flying around, yet easy to carry in school and the bag is not over- full or whatsoever.
Next to my usual pens and pencils, rulers, erasers that are still good enough for another year (also I kind of have built up a relationship with them and trust them totally to take me through all the finals) I have bought new Stabilo fine- liners and a gib package of high lighters from Faber Castell.
I use them like crazy to high light important things, make notes and such..
This is for my home table. I usually put books in there and loose papers if I have any so they won't disappear in the the dark parts of my tables drawers.
I also have one for my locker in school for the same reason.
Another plus is that your papers will surely stay need.
And now the last piece. A little notebook. In there I already sketched a time table and another table to write down my grades. I will also use this book to write down to- do- list, things to remember, all kind of notes for this blog and things I have to think about, draw and so on.. I love it and everybody need a notebook besides a daily planner!! Just so you school stuff won't be distracted from personal things and stuf that goes on in your mind.
Alight I hope you enjoyed reading and that I maybe could motivate you to be more organized or find new ways how to organize for your last year of high school.
We will see us in my next "Back To School Post" which will be a beauty post.