
Hello Everyone! After a very long, painful and hard period of learning and studying, or at least seeming to do so, I am back.  Just a...

Hello Everyone! After a very long, painful and hard period of learning and studying, or at least seeming to do so, I am back.  Just an hour ago it hit me and I got the feeling and desire of writing something again an now here i am.  Honestly, when I stopped posting I got the feeling of not being good or interesting enough and doing something like writing a blog is very time consuming. I didn't have time. My brain was over worked from school and life anyways so I had "a creative pause"  However, the content of what...

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Hello Everyone! As promised I am continuing. As every Wednesday I have my What I ate in the day as a vegan post and I hope you'll enj...

Hello Everyone! As promised I am continuing. As every Wednesday I have my What I ate in the day as a vegan post and I hope you'll enjoy it! Breakfast A whole apple and a clementine. I am fairly getting back on the fruit. Now I can even say that I am comfortable eating it again. What a good sign, I really missed it. I missed the natural sweetness and the freshness of it. No vegetable can give me that. It fully lowers my sugar cravings.  Snack 1 Some very nice zucchini as a snack. I just bought...

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Hello Everyone! After I have skipped one week of my what I eat as a vegan, I am finally back. I had the post prepared already but as ment...

Hello Everyone! After I have skipped one week of my what I eat as a vegan, I am finally back. I had the post prepared already but as mentioned in the previous post wasn't motivated to write it and needed a break from thinking and generally functioning like a robot.  I still hope you enjoy and keep in mind this is the What I ate from the middle of march. Breakfast I do not have smoothies as often but I do have them. I always feel liquids don't fill me as up as fruit. However this day I...

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