
I Am Back?! - Announcements

Hello Everyone! After a very long, painful and hard period of learning and studying, or at least seeming to do so, I am back.  Just a...

Hello Everyone!

After a very long, painful and hard period of learning and studying, or at least seeming to do so, I am back. 
Just an hour ago it hit me and I got the feeling and desire of writing something again an now here i am. 
Honestly, when I stopped posting I got the feeling of not being good or interesting enough and doing something like writing a blog is very time consuming. I didn't have time. My brain was over worked from school and life anyways so I had "a creative pause" 

However, the content of what I want to blog about will change. I am in a transitioning phase right now. I just finished my a- levels and now will be going to uni in October hopefully. Until then I want to move with my best friend as well as have one of the best summers I have had in a long time, e.g. meet friends, visit places and clean up my old life. 
With the cleaning part I have already started as in, threw out a lot of stuff, changed my daily routine, got some other new thoughts, all of I'd like to share. 

In the future I'll be focusing more on lifestyle posts. I will probably still post "What I eat Wednesdays" and outfit posts of outfits I liked wearing but not the usual OOTW posts. Other than that I will probably post a lot about health, nutrition, and sport as well as life changes, moving, university and that part.

If you are interested in all that, I would be very delighted and welcome you to read, follow and comment.

Talk to you very soon! 


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