
My Favorite Movies Of All Time

Hello lovelies, you may know by now that I am total movie person and pretty much all I do is watching movies. Some of the films I ...

Hello lovelies,

you may know by now that I am total movie person and pretty much all I do is watching movies. Some of the films I have seen over 20- 30 times even more. Up and down, up and down. I let them play in the background as I do other things like cleaning or cooking etc.. 
I tried to narrow it down to my three favorite movies of all time. 

First is black swan. I love it so, so much as I can relate to the main character so well. It scares and fascinates me at the same time and I always feel with her, can understands why she does what she does and know what she thinks and feels even when not speaking. Natalie Portman is amazing in this role and she well deserved the Oscar for that. 
I had my time watching this movie, 3 times when it came out in the movies but now I only watch it every couple of weeks when I have my moments and am in the mood of a psycho thriller like this one. I really recommend it as it shows mental illnesses clearly, fucked up even at times and raises awareness to them.

The Devil Wears Prada. What young fashionista has not seen this movie? It's become a total classic like the horse whisperer every little girl watched in her summer holidays at the horse farm. It is funny, smart but still naive and not to heavy packed with a very deep message hidden. I can pretty much watch it every day, it motivates me to get things done and calms me and I still laugh at the same jokes. It will never go out of fashion and Meryl Streep is just so convincing in her role! This is my to go movie when having a good time.

Last but not least I chose Last Night. You may know it or may not, if not watch it and tell me your opinion. After four years now I still don't know who's right or wrong or if there even is right or wrong . It's a stunning movie about Love, old love, choosing love as well as cheating with a lot of tension in it. It's rather silent and calming but you won't get bored. I love the actors they chose as they fit perfectly.

I am very interested in what your 3 favorite movies are and why so please tell me! 

I hope you enjoyed reading I had a wonderful time choosing them and talking about them even if it was probably the hardest task of the day haha. 


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