Setting Up My Filofax - Plan My Week
Enough with the boring details. I have watched videos about scrapbooking and setting filofaxes up for about a year and ever since I tried it myself. I started of as a help to keep being organized and to the point now where literally my life is in my planer. I used to a normal one you buy with your school supplies but really, it's too small for me!
The Filofax comes with so many pockets and little tiny bags you can put notes in and put your cards in and most importantly generally you able to give you OCD a big blow out.
Alright so I opened it up and honestly I was a little bit lost at first because I didn't know where to start . Naturally I hopped on amazon and pretty much bought everything I could for scrapbooking. So now half the stuff has arrived and I had my first go. I made my empty, boring looking week to a full, exciting as well as challenging week.

As I said I am really new to the whole thing but I am looking forward to plan next weeks and get better at scrapbooking. The I also created my time table and the grades page (which came with the package. Besides the leather calendar you get the actual calendar for this and the following year, To Do list, my favorite, several notes paper in different colours, all the information sheets like holidays, time table sheets, a tranperant bag and a ruler and 6 dividers to keep the whole thing look need.)
I pretty much used a lot of washi tapes and coloured everything to make it look friendlier.
Then I also got 3 note pages prepared, all looking similar to this one. They contain a wish list& list of things I still need to finish my room project. A grocery list and a list of blog ideas.
Yes I also bought some sticky notes with it to put in the front to high light special things. And the last thing I did today was to create a nice front so I'll have a smile every time I open the Filofax.
I cut out to photos of my best friend and my mother and I, put it on some decoration paper and accessorized with stickers and pearls and put it in the transparent bag. I really like it as they are the two people I love most in the world.
Yes, it's not much but a start and as I said I will get more into it and find a routine or more things I like but I am just really happy that I finally bought it and it belongs to me now. They are support to have a love life and no regrets on this really.
If you have any advise or questions on how to scrapbook or about a Filofax, comment or contact me I am always happy to talk!