
What's In My School Bag- Taggy Tuesday

Hello and it is me again. Today's Taggy Tuesday is as you may have read from the heading a "What's in my school bag tag". ...

Hello and it is me again. Today's Taggy Tuesday is as you may have read from the heading a "What's in my school bag tag". I thought I made one as well as I find them always so nice and exciting to read and find it amazing what a girl has in her bag. It really can go from a to z, funny, interesting, stunning, etc..
So lets go. But first of, I am unprepared, I haven't "cleaned" my bag or put things in or out, this is my bag as I used it today.

Here it is, lying on my gras. Lately I am using the Mango messenger bag as it is really big and suits my personal business style I am pulling off lately. In there I found my note book for school which I decorated myself and am very proud of. Two papers for school flying around (great start already), my beloved green planer which without I'd be a mess! It's getting replaced by my new love for my filofax that just arrived today, so excited. I also got not one, not two but three pencil cases (one for actual pens and pencils, the other for markers, glue and highlighter and the last for rulers and bits n' pieces. I also got my drawing pens extra as I like to draw in my free periods. Then I have my sunglasses and their home (a leopard box from a shop in OZ). Then I found a lucky penny and my red L'Oréal lipstick from today. Of course my money and usually I have water and some snacks like an apple or baby carrots in there as well and my fags :) 

What do you have in your schoolbags? More other things than school stuff or are you really neat and organized? As you can see I try to be a bit of both.

I hope you had fun reading! See you soon and


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