
OOTD 15.10.14 - Another Movie Review

Hello everyone!  Wednesday was really good actually. I thought it was going to be a really hard day but turns out it wasn't. But be...

Hello everyone! 

Wednesday was really good actually. I thought it was going to be a really hard day but turns out it wasn't. But before I will introduce another movie to you I show you my outfit of the day. 

I basically only wore my short leather pants and my try cody jumper both H&M again. 
I straightened my hair and somehow put it up pulling out some hair on the side to make it a bit more loose. Oh and I wore the manhattan lip lacquer in that really red colour and I really like it! 

What I actually wanted to show you though is this lovely movie. It is french again but it doesn't matter. It's called "Ma première foie" which can be translated to "My first Time" but we wanna think of it as "My first time being in love" kind of way. 
It is a teen drama love story. What I like about it, is that we get to see a bit of french lifestyle and culture, not too much, just a glimpse. And that we have the unexpected on our side such as that the movie is about love there is of course the one and other problem we always see in comedies, that something won't work because of family, work, private life etc, but here they overcome these said obstacles but still the movie finishes in a way I would never have guessed and even though it's sad, I am happy with the ending. Which is why I would recommend this movie to everyone! Also it's about making choices in life which also is something we have to consider doing ourselves.

Shortly, the film is about two teenagers who are about to make their A- levels. She is nerdy and a good girl who was brought up in a homely house and structured life, he a good looking, modeling bad guy with family problems. They meet at boarding school and of course hate each other because of their obvious differences. Somehow they fall in love and get to know each other better. They plan their lives and it's a beautiful love story. As I said the end is unexpected as we wonder what could go wrong if it's not her going away to Amerika or him wanting to make career or family? Well, I won't tell you how it ends but I will tell you to watch it and find out! 
You can download or lend it on iTunes.

I really hope I caught your attention on this film and that you had as much of a good day as I had! 

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