# zara
Outfits Of The Week #45
Hello Everyone!
Today I will show you what I wore this week, as I do every week.
I hope you will find some inspiration yourself and find it lovely.
Tuesday: I basically had 10 minutes to get ready so I threw on some dark blue, skin tight, normal waisted jeans and a black basic long sleeved shirt. Further and definitely more interesting I wore a big, big cardigan in grey and black with simple but different patterns and the scarf. Both items are from Mango.
I got a lot of comments on this one saying that it was a effortlessly simple looking outfit and this was what they like, compared to my normal business styles. It was a welcomed change to see and it made me really happy.
Wednesday: I slept in and forgot to take a picture, but it ist really similar to the outfit I wore on Thurday. But yes, shame on me.
Thursday: A really chilly outfit. I wore some black tights, a black basic dress and my grey Mango cardigan.
The cardigan is out of wool and pretty much spends its life as a tend as is has a cap as well and is really wide and big. But I could snuggle in it all day which made it perfect. Only ad thing was that it kept slipping of one side of my shoulder all the time but anyways it great.
I also had my big scare and the black H&M messenger bag.
Friday: was Berlin day!! We went to Berlin to inform ourselves about our future. What we want to study or learn or do and how we can do it and so on. It was pretty interesting and I got so much info material, almost too much to handle.
But anyways, I wore pair of grey shorts from Zara last years collection and a sweater in white with a golden neckline out of pearls which is what made the shirt itself look much more exciting. The material was a stretchy one, took me some time to get used to it after wearing basic material for a couple days but it was wonderful wearing it. The shirt I bought at Zara.
So lovely people, thats already about it for my weakly wardrobe.
As a feedback, I have to say that I enjoy writing them so much and love to review my week in clothes and be able to show them to you, maybe/ hopefully put some ideas to your mind.
I also hope you had fun reading and I wish you a lovely weekend!