
Portugal Holiday

Hello my lovelies,  I have missed writing so much and I am so, so happy to finally be able to again.  I have a lot of fun post prepar...

Hello my lovelies, 

I have missed writing so much and I am so, so happy to finally be able to again. 
I have a lot of fun post prepared for you and today I will start with a little post about my holidays. 
I hope you all enjoy. 

We flew to Portugal, Carvoeiro. My aunty and her boyfriend live there so we usually go once or twice a year. We, my Mum, sister and I, were so excited as we all were ready to get some free time to charge energy again and use the days only for us and our well- being. 
We had an early flight and after I managed to pack my luggage and reduce my kilos to 20 kg I was ready to leave. From my hometown, to Berlin, to Stuttgart for an plane change and then to Faro and a drive to Carvoeiro took us 6 hours. Finally there my aunty already welcomed us and showed us our home for the coming 10 days. We lived in a really huge house with four rooms and four bathrooms, a big balcony and a pool. We actually thought that we needed that space as we were four women living together but we seemed to actually only use once room of each of them. How cosy.

My aunty and her boyfriend actually rent and sell houses on the Algarve, so if your are interested in spending some time there as well, this is their address.

This was my view out of the plane. I was able to see the entire cost of the Algarve. 


Left: Me on our first night at dinner. We always go out for dinner as a little tradition and spend the hours talking about everything that happened since we've last seen each other. It is lovely every time and gives all of us a homy feeling. This time we sat until 5 am.

Right: The morning after at breakfast, I found a little puppy which was the cutest I have ever seen. I couldn't help but wanting to put him in my purse.

Here the picture in full size again with my sister and smoking mother in the picture as well. 

Our first two days con sited pretty much of sleeping, eating and sun bathing and we even got a tan. We had amazing weather as it was the end of october/ start of november. Almost everyday we had a blue sky and sun shine with a perfect 25 degrees.
The 2 to 3 days that were a little cloudy we used for a mega shopping trip and I say mega, because it was.. 
So much so we had to send our brought clothes back to be able to get everything back with us without paying over luggage. On the first day we went to the "Aqua" were we shopped at Primark, H&M, Mango, Sephora and Oykio and had a lovely sushi dinner meal at an all you can eat diner. And I have to say it was amazing. Of course we slept through the night because shopping can be exhausting and the fact of knowing that the next won't be that much of a difference made us sleep for 10 hours straight. Next day it was time to visit the "Algarve Shopping Centre" in which a went to ZARA big time, Stradivarius, Berska, H&M again.. , Guess, Mango and a couple more. 

I have purchased a lot of stuff and I will do separate post of them later this month to share the newest member of my room mates with you! 


Of course we did a little "sight seeing" but as we know most of it because this as been our vacation of choice for the last ten years, we only went to one of our favorite places. This is the Algar Seco. All around the Algarve you can find different forms and shapes of cliffs and this is one of the most amazing. You can walk along the cost yourself and get beautiful pictures like post cards yourself. But be warned, don't step too close to the edge, each year many people die because they misjudge the power of the wind and the height as well as weakness of the earth.


As I said their are many things to see and visit there as in every holiday destination. Carvoeiro though is a little fisher mans town which is counted to the top ten most beautiful places to visit and it really is. Next to many restaurants from different countries (ONZE, a greek restaurant is once of my favorites!) you can find a lot of old tradition from the townies and get to know the culture though that as well.
One can do many things too if once won't want to sunbath all day long. For example you can go on an actual pirate ship and sail along the cost or go on your own, personal sailing trip and spend a day on deck or visit the south- west set point of Europe and eat the last bratwurst before Amerika.

I really, really enjoyed this vacation and actually used it to get a lot of sleep, good food and spend some time with the people I love most in the world. I was able to just be me and get new strength and feel ready to take on the exam time now. I had a lot of fun, even learnt new things about myself and family, renewed friendships and had a great shopping experience. 

I cannot wait to get back there, hopefully in spring/ summer, I already miss my lovely aunty so much but the knowledge of being sure that we come back makes the waiting bareable.

This is a picture of my aunty, my Mum and I on our second last evening before dinner. 

I hope I could give you some thoughts as well as a possible holiday destination idea and you enjoyed reading and the pictures! 
Tell me, where do you go for vacation ? 
I wish you all a lovely monday evening ! XXX C

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