Challenge Acepted!

Hello Everyone!   All I can say: "Challenge Accepted"   I am doing the "31 days of living well & spending less...

Hello Everyone! 

All I can say: "Challenge Accepted" 
I am doing the "31 days of living well & spending less" - Challenge plus adapting it to my vegan lifestyle. This will be quite a huge thing to tackle but I am so, so, so excited to come out with this and embrace it, you would not be able to understand! 
But now, go on reading..

Alright this is the first page you can print of, which I did. I made myself an extra folder, organized as I am. 
Maybe I introduce everything to you first. I got to this page over pinterest on because of a recipe I found and then I just got hooked on it. 
I will link you the blog and its rules about the Challenge here

Well you first can download this page, where you can write down all your meal ideas and such. I did not print that as I experience myself in a whole other view and I want to introduce all these recipes with you day by day. But also if you don't know what is possible for you, this is a good reminder!

Then you gotta make it official! I signed mine yesterday on the 21. of February 2015, yaay how exciting. I thought, if I signed it it's actually there, official and I'd have to do it because it is official. 

Last page I got to print of before the acutely start on monday. The ground rules I am living on the next 31 days. 
I filled them out too and this is what came out: 
Groceries/ Toilettries I may buy:
- vegetables& fruit of any kind as well as water 
- unfortunately my fags, gum and some fuel if needed

Things I've already committed on paying: 
- bills to ASOS and H&M 
- and I got to pay my Mum back a little something as well

Things I will not purchase:
- clothing, make-up, books, eating out, take away coffee and such
- general toiletries (as my mother pays for them still) 
- decoration or anything I already own which is just a tiny but different

Other rules: 
Well if something breaks I have to rebuy it of corse but other than that.. not really. I want to spend 50€ on my weekly grocery shopping with the additional 5 bucks I need for my cigarettes (which I want to stay low on as well) 

Why am I doing this: 
Well, if you made it down here, congratulations! 
I want to live more carefully. I do want to actually save money and not through it out the window as soon as I get it because one day soon I will have to stay on my own two feet and I want to be prepared for that. I am 20 years old and am finally ready to grow up and leave adolescent and enter the grown up world and make my way there. 
I really hope that this challenge will open my eyes and guide me to the basics, leaving my with something saved up on the side. 

My Content Now: 
Obviously I want to share it as it motivated me more to tell you the cold hard truth of my recovery of a shopping addiction and I will update you on my days as well as show you how I mastered the daily challenges waiting for me! 

I hope I could excite you too, if so please write me and we can do this together. Anyways I hope you will follow and enjoy my journey! 
I will already se you tomorrow for day 1


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