
Vegan Product Review

Hello Everyone! So it's been a while since I started talking about this but I finally come around to do so again. I wanted to revie...

Hello Everyone!

So it's been a while since I started talking about this but I finally come around to do so again. I wanted to review a couple of vegan beauty products my Mum and I bought. 
By now I have build some opinions that I really want to share with you and the rest of the world. 
Today I am going to talk about the Jean&Len vegan hair products you can see in the picture

I bought the shampoo and the conditioner and used it over the last 6 weeks. I did not really know what to expect but what something that made me buy this particular product in the first place was the interesting and unique packaging. Besides the fact that it was vegan. Anyways, I think this is a truly modern and interesting packaging with their little writing on it. For example it says:"What you skin touches becomes a part of you" or "without any rigmarole" 

As for the product itself. The shampoo is of an oily consistency whereas the conditioner has a creamy  one. Both have an odd smell in the beginning until you come around to identify it as fresh herbs. It smells natural and light. It smells like no lies to be honest. Besides the lovely side effect of a wonderful smell of nature in your hair it works just as the pantene pro v products and I got really good results. My hair is shiny, healthy (my ends have no spliss) and my hair seems to look stronger and healthier. 

Concluding, as I also emptied the bottles by now, I am sure going to buy them again. I am really very satisfied with the results and couldn't be more happier.

I hope you had fun reading, I'll see you soon.


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