About Vegan Pancakes and Smoothies - Recipes
Hello Everyone !
Lately I have stepping out of my comfort zone a lot and trying some more variety again which Idon't want to just keep for myself! So here we go, enjoy!
This is all of what I had for the day plus the smoothie I show how you can make that too. I am very hungry since I am going back to school because thinking, learning and paying attention takes much more energy than we/ realize.
I have finally made my first banana oat pancakes with some of my favorite fruits like nectarines, frozen raspberry and a pear. It was so good and I seriously forgot how tasty pancakes are. A plus is that they literally take 5 minutes to make.

For lunch I had some leftover sushi from the day before. I have such a bad craving for sushi lately so I eat that quite a lot and it is simply just good for you! Still it was a only a little portion so I cooked some cauliflower, carrots, broccoli and the first brussel sprouts I was able to find and had then with the rest of my soy sauce.
For dinner I was craving some fresh greens again so I had a huge plate with a cut zucchini, a very juice and sweet tomato and some broccoli again. It was amazing, really filling and made me happy
My Pre- breakfast Green Smoothie
So since I am back in school I need something before I go into class to get my brain start working and concentration on top. Yet, I don't like to feel full early in the morning so I decided some very nutritious smoothies before class would be the best idea and I was not disappointed.
I only put in good, fresh and organic fruit and veg and I feel so energetic and good when I have it, it is amazing. So below you will find the recipe for the smoothie and the banana- oat pancakes. Have fun reading and trying them out!
The ingredients:
As always I did not measure any of the things I used but in the photo below is what I used and I put in as much as fit in the smoothie maker bottle
note: I did use 15 dates though!
So this works out to
- one banana
- half an apple
- half an avocado
- some spinach
- a bit of soy milk
- and 15 dates
So I pressed everything very nicely in the bottle, mixed it up and after about 10 seconds this thick, creamy smoothie was the result. It tasted amazing and fresh. Just healthy and good. I loved it so much and I am so hooked on them. If you haven't ever tried them out, you definitely should! Even if your not vegan or anything like that, it's so worth it and you won't regret it!
Banana- Oat- Pancakes
The Ingredients
- One Banana
- 1/3 cup of oats
(- if you want vegan 1 vegan egg)
You simply cut your banana and put all the ingredients in a blender at once at mix it until its nice and smooth. This will take just a couple of seconds.
Finished Result
I left them on for a bit too long but I decided to scratch the black bits off and they still tasted great after that.
However, after the pancakes were finished I cut some of my favorite fruits like a nectarine and a pear and unfroze some raspberries and and just put everything together on a plate and enjoyed my meal.
This is how the pancakes looked from the inside. Just lovely.
All done! Seriously it was a heaven- like breakfast. I will definitely improve my pancake skills from now on and make the next saturdays pancake- saturdays. :)
I hope you liked the post, I had so much fun cooking and experimenting again. Also I hope you will try the recipes, tell me how you liked them with a photo in the comments or a link to your blog.