
DIY Christmas Calendars - Part 1

Hello Everyone! I have decided to make everything on my own this year of Christmas. I want to cook organically, make the presents by hand...

Hello Everyone!

I have decided to make everything on my own this year of Christmas. I want to cook organically, make the presents by hand, the deco and of course the Christmas calendars as well. It is a little mission but really I want something from heart and an honest fest. As well as support the money making Christmas industry as less as I can. We all do somehow but I don't have to buy everything for 100 of € or Dollars if I can make them myself for much lesser money spending quality time with the people that I love most. 
I have 3 different kinds of DIY calendars prepared for you. Here is the first version and I hope you try make one of them as well. 

Step One: 

Have your dog set in place

What you need

You will need 24 for brown paper bags
24 clothing pins
Crafting papers of your choice

Or if you want to buy the actual material: click here.

Preparing to get into the craving. 

I had the crating paper bought like that but they are easily to make on your own as well. It just takes a bit longer. 

You will have to cut oval circles and half them to get two bodies. You will need 24 of them.

After that you cut out little stars or other forms you want and prefer and write down the number for each day until the 24th.

These bodies will go on the brown paper bags right on the bottom of one side.

After that fill your bags with sweets and treats of your choice. 

To close your bags and fully turn them into owls you will need 48 eyes or 24 pairs. Cut out white little circles and even smaller black ones. Glue the black iris on the white eye ball. 

Now fold your bags and close the bag gluing the eyes on them and your owl is done. 

The end product is 48 (in my case 96) cute but freaky eyes starring back of you and your calendar is done!

I hope you liked this idea and maybe you will try it. 
Until next time!

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