
LifeHack: Declutter your Life

Hello Everyone!  I was feeling suffocated. Every time I came into my room I felt disgusted, annoyed and concentrated. And all of this be...

Hello Everyone! 

I was feeling suffocated. Every time I came into my room I felt disgusted, annoyed and concentrated. And all of this because I live in this materialized world and got infected by this depressing illness. This clearly are symptoms of stress that every facet of my life is filled with overwhelming things of all sorts of literal stuff that make simply being almost impossible. It's no good, it's no good let me tell ya!
So I decided to declutter my life all over. I mean everything. I need to simplify my life in order to get the clear view that I long for so desperately. 
Having to have moved was a perfect opportunity to declutter my life for good this time I thought to myself. I wanted to go back to basics, feel lighter, freer and comfortable in my surrounding environment. Because honestly this is the base to be happy.
 And I did it, or I am still doing it but I have made the biggest progress already and now there are only a couple of very few things left to do. However I have collected some tips from my experiences I have made this week and my actionism has been contagious because my sister has started to declutter as well now.
Now we are going to tackle the closet and the drawers. Same procedure as we did with the desk. Get everything out on the ground. When putting it back in a nice order ask you self "do I really need it" and give yourself 5 seconds to answer. If you can answer with yes under those 5 seconds put it back in the closet/ drawers in an organization that works for you.
Moving on to the things that are still on the ground. We get ourselves some nice storing boxes and ask ourselves again "Do I really need it?" + the 5 second game. If you answer with yes again put it in the box. Your closets are a great place to store those boxes or under your bed as well.
Every thing of the stuff we do not need anymore gets in a plastic bag and you only decide  where to give it away to. Wether you donate or whatever is your decision to make but get it out of your sight as soon as possible.

As a note before: We have thrown out a lot of stuff like stuff animals, clothes, drawing equipment etc.. a lot of things. We did not throw single thing into the rubbish, we rather have given it away personally to kindergarden and a home for children without parents. We donated all of the things because some people aren't as fortunate.
But let's get into the business of how YOU can declutter your life because it is my believe that I cannot be the only one who has too much unnecessary shit lying around, so let me enlighten you to take some action and free yourself.
This clearly are symptoms of stress that every facet of my life is filled with overwhelming things of all sorts of literal stuff that make simply being almost impossible. It's no good, it's no good let me tell ya!
So I decided to declutter my life all over. I mean everything. I need to simplify my life in order to get the clear view that I long for so desperately. 

Tip 1 Make A List
I am a list maker as you know so clear I made a list of what to start with, what there was to do, what I needed and so on. 
I started with decluttering in itself, everyday I decluttered one point lets say monday: the closet; tuesday: make-up draw and so on. But I did not do more, when I was finished i was done for the day, therefore I felt a little bit better everyday and still was able to not completely be taken over on my day by it.
Tip 2 Desks and closets/ drawers
Another important thing is to start with your Desk. Put everything you have on there on the ground! then clean it and when you move on to put the things back on it, decide on a number (I had 5) and only put the most 5 important things back on there, leave the rest on the ground. 
Invent some kind of a organization of books, folders etc that works for you and arrange it that way on your desk or in those drawers. 
Then move on to information. I find myself this to be the hardest. Every magazine I save (which is the only things I really hold on to) throw out all of the unnecessary information that is belated already. You won't need it anymore. Do the same with any newspapers, YouTubeChannels. Simplify your need of information and reduce it to the most important that you actually will need.

Tip 3 Declutter further

3.1 - I went through all of my folders where I keep old to do lists, ootd photos, meal plans, grocery, important things. I decided to empty those as they are too unimportant to keep. I went through all my bills and threw them out away, opened a file on my lap top to write down my monthly expenses. I deleted all the files I won't need anymore, put all the ones I kept in files. I deleted photos of unimportant things and basically cleaned out all of my technical devices to I have an overview of this point of my life now as well. 
Reduce your commitments. I am a person that wants to help and be there, run everywhere and get everything done myself. Well this is very stressful so I decided to not dance at every party and keep being focused on the truly important things in my life. 
Reconsider your routines. I have invented some routines that worked for me in the beginning of the year. Somehow they don't anymore. One reason is that I have moved of course but also because I focus on other things now. So I renewed my morning routines and evening routines to a concept I feel comfortable with. 
Now if you are in need for some more tips and tricks click here: To re- organize 

Tip: 4 - Enjoy this journey! 

How to Maintain Order Over the Long-Term
Now this is the actually more interesting part of the post. Decluttering is one mission but the other one is to keep that way!
  • Set up a system to keep clutter in check. View yourself closer, find "mistakes" of things that make you stock up on things and find out a reason why. Find a way against that. Lets say for every clothing item you buy another one need to go.
  • Don’t slack off.  Maybe make plan for cleaning. Mondays:get the rubbish out (and really do it, make yourself) it is like a workout and you will feel better afterwards, it is all to your profit in the end. I thing constancy is the key here. Do something everyday but not too much yet never stop and stay on top of the game
  • Follow your routines well or do it as much as possible, don't get out too far from them because then they get useless. If you feel like you cannot follow them any longer, renew them to your need. 
  • Ask yourself more. The 5 seconds game is a fun one and it only takes only 5 seconds. Do it regularly. 

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