
Movie Review: TheAgeOfAdelaine

Hello Everyone! I am stunned. Absolutely in love. I woke up like a child on christmas morning this weekend. All filled with excitement ...

Hello Everyone!

I am stunned. Absolutely in love. I woke up like a child on christmas morning this weekend. All filled with excitement and joy that I was finally ready to release. I was waiting for this so, so long. 
Alright, I pre- ordered a move, this movie a while back in august. I couldn't make it to the movies when it was out so had to wait and wait and wait until now to finally see it. And so I did. I knew this was exactly my kind of movie. Not only because of the cast but because of the story. I love drama, I love fantasy and because I too am only just a woman I love movies with a decent love story line. This movie. ... is something that is hard to describe. 

I usually watch movies while doing something else. Well, not with this one. I was glued to the screen. Unable to do anything but consume it, sponge it into my brain. I loved everything about it, the clothes, hair and make- up. The actors, their ability to act. Blake Lively does a wonderful job here and after gossip girl this would give everyone the other view of her and she will hopefully be able to leave Serena in the past. She played her role amazingly well.

Without any spoilers. The movie deals with the problem of never aging, letting go of fears and secret, allowing oneself to learn how to trust and love again. And of course discovering an old secret that will change lives.

Enjoy watching and until next time loves!

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