Aftermath Of Christmas
23:00Hello Everyone!
Here is another food diary of mine. As I have my Christmas holidays I find myself not as much in need of food especially after the festive days. I was craving something light and fresh and simple.
Oranges around this time are so perfect and juicy and nice. Just what I need. They have a rather eatable consistency than the oranges you buy in summer as they are meant for juicing.
This was a salad bowl of leftovers I still had. Simple spinach leaves, tomatoes, cucumber and homemade red cabbage as well as a clementine to sweeten it up naturally. So yummy.
Around 2 pm I got a bit hungry again so I went for a really big and colourful bowl of cut veg that I enjoyed very much.
Dinner --> Recipe
For dinner I had this Mexican Quinoa Pan. I simply put in all of the things I had left from the Christmas feast in a big pan and sautéed it. It was great as well, very filling and satisfying.
I wish you all a very happy New Years!