
My Plates On Wednesday

Hello Everyone!  I'd love to share another round of what I have been eating this day and welcome you to read this post.  Breakfas...

Hello Everyone! 

I'd love to share another round of what I have been eating this day and welcome you to read this post. 


For breakfast I had my usual bowl of porridge with a mix of berries, grapes and half a pear. Soon there will be another kind of frozen fruit when this bag is finished. Mango it's going to be and you cannot guess how excited I am! 

Snack One

My new favorite fruit next to a pear is well a mixture of an apple and a pear - a nashi fruit. So fresh and juice that it is just deliciousness in my mouth. Also I had a medium ripe banana to charge me up.


For a usual salad bowl at 2 pm as my lunch I went for a very big zucchini and a whole red pepper bell with a little bit of salt and low sodium soy sauce

Snack Two

Out of all my protein bars in the last two weeks I loved this one the most. It is from raw bite, the orange one - Cashew. Very nice and energy boosting as well. 


Since living with my sister I am getting even more creative because she is constantly craving her favorite food which sadly all contain meat if she wanted to buy them. Anyhow, this is a nice opportunity to veganize them and change up the meal plan a little but. 
This evening we had a Kebab. We bought vegan soy meat and fried that in a pan. Also we bought kebab bread and made a cashew nut dressing that we spiced up with herbs and added some basic vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber and done !
She loved it and said now there is no reason to be sad at all anymore. 
Though! Check out my post on "Vegan Meat Review". We liked the version without meat better.

I hope you liked it, got a bit inspired and until next time! 

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