Vegan Christmas Cookies Recipes
20:00Hello Everyone!

As it's the best time of the year and I am fully living Christmas this year and we had a little baking marathon, my sister and I. We actually had to split our baking project into three parts but had a lot of fun ! Below you can see all my cookies and pralines. All are vegan and super delicious.
We had found this recipe last year and loved it. It so easy and quick to make, it should be forbidden. It's a soft textured cookie consisting of the simplest ingredients and still taste like a soft little snowflake.
There are cookies one could buy that look very similar. Still they are processed products and non vegan so we found this great recipe that was as easy and quick as the Snow Puffs. Fully vegan deliciousness for Christmas, they are just perfect!
This is for the treats that I am going to pass around for Christmas. I love marzipan and cranberries even more so it is so hard to resist and not eat all of them. Making them was a little sticky challenge because of the marzipan but as soon as the berries and the mass is mixed, all goes very smoothly.

In the end we had over a hundred of Christmas cookies which were all very heavenly. I took half of them with me to school because we couldn't finish them all and my friends loved them too. A quarter of them will be a present for my grandparents for Christmas. The rest was for the family then, each sunday we celebrated advent and had a cookie or two.

In the end we had over a hundred of Christmas cookies which were all very heavenly. I took half of them with me to school because we couldn't finish them all and my friends loved them too. A quarter of them will be a present for my grandparents for Christmas. The rest was for the family then, each sunday we celebrated advent and had a cookie or two.