
Brussel Sprouts are Life!

Hello Everyone!  I invite you to another food diary and hope you will enjoy . I tried something unusual for me this week and I am proud t...

Hello Everyone! 

I invite you to another food diary and hope you will enjoy . I tried something unusual for me this week and I am proud to have conquered it. 


For breakfast my sister and I felt like waffles so a quick look up the internet and we found a great recipe for vegan waffles and this was the outcome. Seriously great and fun to eat with all different fruits to add. lovely. 
Find the recipe here.

Snack One: 

As a snack I had a little bowl of tomatoes and half a zucchini.


This is seriously my favorite meal of the day as I am looking forward to my brussel sprouts all day even after eating them for the past 2 months almost daily. They are just great. They are LIFE!

Snack Two

As an afternoon snack I had a portion of broccoli with some ketchup and vegan mayo. Did it's job to keep me going.


My first ever vegan pizza that was bought and not self made. It was awesome and the photo on the packaging was reliable. Also it seemed to be fresher and just the feeling to have your guilty pleasures but without toxins or less of them once in a while is just great! I shared it with my sister and she is in love now.

This was the company I bought it from. Veganz. I hoped you like it and I wish you all a great week!

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