New Favorite Foods

Hello Everyone!  This week I was able to eat my normal proper solid foods again. I must say that my teeth healed very well and my face wa...

Hello Everyone! 

This week I was able to eat my normal proper solid foods again. I must say that my teeth healed very well and my face was not swollen at all. The dentist did a very good job! So let me share what new favorite foods I have found!


For breakfast I had my very first strawberries of the year. They were on sale so I had to and they were indeed very good. I also mixed them with a bit of brown sugar. A bit later I felt hungry again and my Mum made me a lovely green smoothie which was so creamy and thick and yummy.


For lunch I simply had some spiraled zucchini with soy sauce a go to of mine as I want to marry a zucchini later on in life.


Now my new favorites. I have been eating brussel sprouts daily for about a month now and just last week added mushroom that I sautéed. Seriously guys I want to have a bath in that stuff. It is so good.


Additionally I had another zucchini and that turnip beet thing that has a kind of sweet taste. It's lovely.

I hope you liked this post! Have a lovely day. 

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