
24.06.2014 And Book Review

Good morning lovely readers, Yesterday I watched "The Other Woman" and generally had a good day. I got to organized half of my s...

Good morning lovely readers,

Yesterday I watched "The Other Woman" and generally had a good day. I got to organized half of my stuff and did some online shopping. I think most of it will arrive thursday and of course I will post about it. I ordered a body, two dresses, a little wallet, shoes and a necklace. All for my brothers prom on the weekend since I decided to go and fight social anxiety. I am so excited already.

Today is my shortest day of the week. I only have political studies and the rest of the day I am pretty much cleaning, do the washing, I want to organize my closet again and also I have an appointment at the doctors and maybe go to the gym with my friend.  I am looking forward to the gym since I downloaded new summer songs on iTunes yesterday to keep me motivated to get out of the bed in the first place.

Book review. I will only do a brief one to maybe make some people keen and to not say too much as well.
I was reading "The Longest Ride" from Nicolas Sparks. It's the most recent one of his books and I got it for Easter from my stepdad.
The story is about two couples in two different times of history. The first story views Ira and Ruth who tell their live long love story while Ira is stuck in his car after an accident. This is set mostly around 1945ish but goes through their whole life together and well as how they made a fortune out of their hobby which is connected with the story of Luke and Sophia. Here the reader gets thrown to 2012 and gets to know about how they fall in love and how they build their life together as well as Lukes secret which could distort their relationship.

It is a book full of romantic love, the reader doesn't need to think and can let him- or herself fall into another world far from reality. For me it was a big pleasure reading since I kept on asking myself how  these people totally not connected can play a major role in each love story on it's own. And this is the question that kept me reading as well as the beautiful described way Nicolas Sparks writes his book. I really enjoyed the book with its 400 pages as well as its easy written words and of course the stories on their own which made me laugh, cry, smile and curious. It had all I needed for that time.

I hope I could give you the brief look inside without telling everything beforehand.
I wish all of you a beautiful day. I need to get ready for school for now and start my busy day.


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