
Catrice Haul Part Three

Hello and welcome to the last and third part of my Haul. After nail polish, lipstick is the second thing I can buy without a limit is lip ...

Hello and welcome to the last and third part of my Haul.

After nail polish, lipstick is the second thing I can buy without a limit is lip stick. Catrices lipstick are just so creamy and natural in their colour even when they are brighter so I favour them for school days. I really like them and they just put them into my daily make up routine because first reason I believe lipstick makes one look more serious and for me I don't have to redo it as much as lip gloss. Also I am more of a lip stick person I think. And third reason I hate to empty things so the less I have to put them on again the less I use and I they aren't used up as fast. Yea little ramble I am sorry.

So this is them I bought three at a time.  Going from left to right as always. They're all from the Ultimate Shine Gel Colour Collection. You can find the products on the Catrice website linked here.

1. This is number 020 called "Red Or Bad" it looks kind of orange in the photo but really it is more red, like a nice normal red like in the photo above. It looks really red and that is what I like about it although it's not as intense on the lips. But it is quite an eye catcher.

2. I used this particular on the most out of the three. It is a dark, cherry or red wine looking one and I fall in love with it. I love having just brown, chocolaty eyeshade or black eyeliner with it. 
it is number 010 and is called "Love's Di- wine".

3. Is a orange or coral one. As I fall in love with blue like all kinds of blue and orange is the perfect colour against blue I had to take it. It makes the blue eyeshadow or eyeliner just pop out more and together these colours look fabulous. 

Alright this is it for my make up haul, I really had fun writing all of them and I am looking forward on making more of these. Although I haven't done any of that before I hope you enjoyed reading them and I could maybe inspire you guys for something. 


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