About Announcements and Onesies
20:00Hello lovelies,
so today I will make a little announcement, something to look forward to for the next couple of posts.
As you are well aware, it is "back to school time". I for myself love it. In a week I'll be sitting on my chair and my table again and be able to use all my new books. I simply love that time, when everything is all new and shiny and you just got a fresh, new chance for the year.
So I decided to do a series and made up a little plan.
First post will be on next weeks monday on Top 5 outfits to wear, following tuesday it's a "what's in my schoolbag tag" and Friday it's the school supplies post where I will show you what I bought and how I personalized it. I also want to do a "back to school make- up and hair post" which will go on the week after on monday and friday.
Also as school starts I want my blogging to be a bit more regular so I decided to post every monday and friday about something and every tuesday (as long as I don't run out) I'll do a tag or a Q&A.
And now, I am so excited till I see that face but I just now ordered the present for my best guy friends birthday. And it's going to be an animal onesie. As it has gotten colder I decided my onesie time officially starts now. Also he doesn't own any so I have gotten him a panda one and myself a koala. I found them on Amazon and I am just so so so so excited for them to arrive!!
Alright, I just wanted to share this with you guys and I am already looking forward to preparing the posts for me and you and of course I will post about the onesies too as soon as they arrive.