
DIY - Book covers

Hello lovelies,  today I got a bit of a DIY for you. I used my saturday evening to do this and basically it's a really short st...

Hello lovelies, 

today I got a bit of a DIY for you. I used my saturday evening to do this and basically it's a really short story as it didn't take me longer than 10 minutes with each book.
But first, I got really tired with my book and this year I want to have everything more individual to my school mates because lets face it after over a decade of boring looking school things that look the same everyday and everybody has the same things, how can one get motivated anymore?!
So I pimp my shit this year as far as time allows it.

First and all you need are your book. Make sure they are yours and that you didn't borrow them from school or the library. Then you need some glue and a simple scissors. Last thing you need is a cover. I ordered mine on Amazon which you find here.

Here are the fabric details:
Material: 100% Cotton 
Width: 160cm 
Weight: 160 gr / sqm 
Binding: Canvas L 1: 1 
Care: 40 ° wash, shrink approximately 3%

I then just unfolded the fabric and put the open book on it and cut it of about 2-3 inches around the edges and glued the those overlapping edges on the inside. You gotta watch out on the back of the book though. Simply cut a little U above and below.  

And you are done. I let it dry overnight as it was pretty wet because of the glue. Don't let it dry lying on the ground, let it dry standing up unless you want your book glued to the ground ;) 
Mine is all dry now, it doesn't stick on my hands and just looks super cute. I really think this is a beautiful idea to make you books look better and maybe it awakes more motivation of learning in you if you see a cupcake rather than Maths big and fat written on the cover. Also it protects the actual book as dirt won't really have a change and the cover won't get messy in your bag between all the other stuff. I mean I don't pay 40 bucks just to get it all dirty if I rarely use it in the first place, right? 
I really like it and am really excited. I might even do my maths homework now :) 
Only thing to add: Your hands get gluey but it's alright as it isn't as messy as other scrapbooking stuff.

Alright, I hope you liked it. Tell me how you have your books or do you leave them like that? 

I wish all of you a good start in the week! 


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