
My Bucket List

Hey everyone, I was browsing a couple of blogs today and saw a some bucket lists so I thought I do one myself as I find them interesting ...

Hey everyone,

I was browsing a couple of blogs today and saw a some bucket lists so I thought I do one myself as I find them interesting and enjoy them. So lets go but I will "only" do my top 10 of actually doable things

1. Go back to Australia again to visit all me friends
2. See something breath taking like the Niagara Falls
3. Save up some more money for uni or a car
4. Finish my A- levels well 
5. Recover!
6. Learn a third language 
7. Really cheesy but fall in love or at least have a crush again
8. Buy something overly expensive by myself and for myself
9. Write my own book
10. Design my own collection of clothes or make-up line

These are my top 10, life goals as well and I had so much fun writing it down because I always get excited and if I only get one of those things done in my life I'll be really so, so happy and blessed.

I would be so flattered if you wrote me your bucket list. 


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