
Plan My Week #40 & Thoughts

Hello everyone, I thought today I will talk a bit about my week, to release stress as well and make myself feel better as much as possi...

Hello everyone,

I thought today I will talk a bit about my week, to release stress as well and make myself feel better as much as possible. 

In the first picture you can see how my week looked last week. They are all the notes with homework's and appointments and thoughts  and it looks boring and lets be honest shitty.

And after an hour (I am getting much faster) it looked like this, all need and organized. 
Basically Monday and Wednesday will be so hard. I'll be 14 hours on the go and I am so, so scared and anxious. The rest looks pretty nice though, Tuesday has always been my very short day so that is chilly and thursday is alright as the subjects aren't as hard and they go by fast. And this week we won't have friday as a working day so It's a long weekend which I am looking forward to :) 

School has been so exhausting in the last two weeks. I hate those time of the year when the teachers thing they are the only subject we have. There is so much homework and so many tests to write that it seems almost impossible to do everything to your best. With time management I try to get everything done but it never seems to be enough. Anyways so school wise life's a bit hard but everything else is okay. It's amazing to see how my body has healed itself after everything and how I am a much different and stronger person in mind and body as well. I know I still have a long way to walk but still I can enjoy it again. 

 Okay today is sunday and my weekend has been really good. I was alone, my Mum and sister weren't there so I had all the peace I needed to get everything done I didn't over the week. Like homework for starters and some scrapbooking, writing post, cleaning my room and kitchen, washing the wash loads, watch movies, bath time, organizing myself and so on. I am not nearly done yet but surely a big step further. I am happy as I had a productive weekend. Tell me how to do you guys spend your weekends?!

I really just wanted to show you my week as well as talk about it as I am really scared to make it. 
I hope you had an amazing weekend and fun reading! 


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