
Douglas Haul

Hello everyone, today a little haul post again. I actually bought it last week but I needed some time to think about it, try it out, e...

Hello everyone,

today a little haul post again. I actually bought it last week but I needed some time to think about it, try it out, etc..

Starting off with the favorite, the Roberto Cavalli perfume. I gotta tell you, the package has drawn me to it. I think it looks really royal and I liked the combination of gold and blue very much. Coming to the sent, it's really tart and and discreetly heavy to wear. It contours a confident personality seen as the cherry on top of the ice cream. It will give you the rest before you fall into a light coma after seeing an already amazing, powerful woman.
This is the second time I bought it and I only wear it on really special occasions as my mother whom I share it with wears it almost every day, she is so much in love with it.
I really like it but I like to just put it on when I actually feel like a golden girl but buying a pricy perfume the second time says everything- it's really good.
I also got a little trying thingy from the Coco Chanel Mademoiselle perfume. We have that as well at home but I like the little bottles as I can chuck them in my school bag and pull an amazing breath in 9th period.
Then I got some bathing bombs. Today I had the him-berry & raspberry cupcake and all I can say is that I smell like a soft skinned him berry and raspberry cupcake. I do enjoy myself a pamper night usually every sunday so I wow on monday and also to mentally prepare myself for the week ahead and what isn't better than a nice bath smelling like a fruit cocktail from the best summer fruits. The left cupcake is orange& raspberry and the big one was vanilla& strawberry. I bought them at douglas but I am not sure if they have them in the internet but if you can get your hands on them I'd do it in a heart beat as they also only cost 3,50 €.

And last but not least, at this point I was already a girl gone crazy. I bought an iPhone case looking like a cute little black monster. Also a I bought a kaktus and he's got eyes so I named him Herb. I want to give the whole plant thing a go and if he is still alive in a couple of months, I will introduce him. Before anyone gets too attached.

Alright I hope you had a good time reading!


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  1. You have a wonderful writing style (that bit about Herb made me laugh) and that perfume looks lovely!
    Lagerfeld Love


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